
Lession Plan- Class 5- Subject- Hindi, Chapter-1

शिक्षण योजना क्लास 10 पाठ 1 पार्ट 1
दिनांक कक्षा सप्ताह दिन कालांश
Q.1: Fill in the blanks with the correct words given in the X-mas tree:
tried, called, hopped, tapped, rushed, assembled
a. I rushed to school as I was getting late.
b. At 9 o’clock all the students tapped in the ground for the prayer.
c. Ruby tried to dance but fell upon the floor.
d. The rabbit hopped down the road.
e. Teacher called Ankur on the stage to give him the award.
f. Mini assembled on her doll’s head to make it move.
Comprehension Questions:
Q.1 : Answer the following questions:
a. What was the advertisement about?
Ans: The advertisement was about a robot that can hops.
b. What did Atul do with the robot kit?
Ans: Atul assembled all the part of robot.
c. What was the name of the robot?
Ans: The name of the robot was Bobby.
d. How did Mala help her brother?
Ans: Mala called up the shopkeeper and asked “why the robot is not hopping ?”
e. Where did Atul tap to make Bobby hop?
Ans: Atul tapped on the Bobby’s head to make Bobby hop.
f. What were the other functions of Bobby, the robot?
Ans: Bobby, the robot can walks, speaks, and moves its arms.
Language Practice:
Q.1: Fill in the blanks with suitable common or proper nouns of your choice (remember a proper noun always begins with a capital letter):
a. Mohan, Ramesh and Sita are good friends.
b. The dog is my favourite animal.
c. The flower has sweet smell.
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